Tuesday, 31 May 2011

To the space elevator Nigel!

Yep, you heard right. A Space Elevator. This isn't part of the daily blog, but I thought I should share this with you guys seeing as how this is the thought log, blog.


  1. No way i would ride that thing

  2. I've heard of this. It sounds absurd, but then again, I'm sure walking on the moon sounded absurd at one time. And hey, people thought the idea of the earth being round was absurd once upon a time :P

  3. Actually, moon exploration is now considered a massive waste of economic spending. Pretty ironic huh? XD

  4. I doubt this'll happen within our lifetime, someday maybe

  5. I'm going to build one in my back yard!

  6. oh man having one of those would be so cool. if only the moon or mars even had more useful resources. then economically it would definitely be feasible.
